January Answered Prayers
Katie – Youth answered prayers
Thank you all so much for your prayers for the Youth Ministry here at SBC. We have
seen a number of prayers being answered…
Volunteers – We are so blessed to have so many wonderful volunteers here at SBC,
and over the past couple of months, a number of people have come forward to
volunteer within the Youth Ministry. We are so grateful for every volunteer who
helps and supports in leading Sunday mornings and groups throughout the week.
We praise God for those that have come forward recently, so that we can continue
to do more work for God’s Kingdom!
Youth Alpha – Since Youth Alpha started in November, we have had a number of
young people attending each week. We have had some wonderful discussions and
young people have been asking some great questions. God is most definitely at
Schools work – It has been wonderful to work in Quest Academy (a local Secondary
School) providing mentoring sessions with a number of students. We praise God
that the School have also said they would advertise the Youth Café (coming soon!)
which is wonderful as we are able to build a bridge between us and the School.
Answered prayers
Pauline wrote requests for Sunday Club in July, then reported in September:
"Give thanks for one new helper and that Hilary W is now able to teach regularly"
Ruth wrote requests for the 4 o'clock Service in July, then reported in September:
"Give thanks for answered prayers that were really encouraging -Far more of our
H@H guests came on the Sunday afternoon ending the week than came in the past
and were very appreciative".
Pat wrote requests for Seniors in July and September and reported in October:
"Praise God that our work with the Seniors in recent months has been fruitful and
New people have joined us recently, having been invited along by their friends to
the Holiday at Home Finale and to the subsequent Songs of Praise service where a
number of people were able to testify to God’s faithfulness and love"
Sally wrote requests for Safeguarding in July and September and reported in
"We have seen God work miraculously in the last few months within the team and
the church. No doubt, your prayers are heard and very much valued. Thank you
very much. Let’s keep trusting God".