Church Membership
What is Church Membership?
Some people say that there is no such thing as church membership in the Bible! Superficially that may be true. But at another level it is obvious that each church knew those who belonged to that fellowship, and they could monitor the numerical growth of the church. It is not difficult to image that someone, somewhere, had a list of those who were part of the local fellowship and there you have the real essence of church membership. Church Membership is about belonging to a local Christian community and being involved in its life, work and witness. These things are common themes in the letters of the New Testament.
What is expected of a member?
There are two main things:
First of all, a member needs to be someone with a personal Christian faith, which may have come through specific experience or as part of a gradual process.
Secondly, a member is someone who is committed to the local church and who is involved in its life, its work and its worship. A member is someone who recognises that a particular fellowship is their spiritual home, where they in faith belong.
Who can be a Member?
Membership is open to everyone who loves the Lord Jesus. There are no specific age limits, and our members range from teens to the eighties and beyond. If you are interested in becoming a member, contact the ministry team either through the church office, or on Sunday morning.
Please contact one of our Deacons for more details.