Young Adults Ministry
Our Young Adult Ministry (18+) at SBC is focused on providing a safe and friendly space where we can build relationships, experience authentic Kingdom Community, serve the Church & our local community and grow together as disciples of Jesus. Whether returning from University, starting work or generally settling into adulthood, we want to foster a sense of belonging and connection while we grow spiritually together at this foundational time of our lives.
We meet weekly on a Monday at 7:30pm, usually at someone's house. We tend to catch up with each other, have a time of prayer and worship and do a form of bible study. We have a regular series of social events throughout the year as well where we like to meet at the pub, BOXPARK or have a games/film night.
We also run a yearly Young Adults Retreat where we spend a long weekend together building friendships, digging deeper into God's word and worshipping Him together.
For more information on any of these events or how the Young Adults Ministry can support you please contact Katie Canning

Retreat 2023

Retreat Photos