Youth Ministry
Here at Selsdon Baptist Church, the youth work aims for young people to be Rooted in these areas…
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6-7
Love: We want to share God’s love with the young people of Selsdon Baptist Church and in the local community of Selsdon.
Community: We want to provide a community where all young people are welcome, where they can come to SBC knowing it’s a safe space where they are accepted and cherished.
Faith: We want young people to understand and apply what they believe to their lives as they grow into mature disciples, so they can become rooted in their faith and their relationship with Christ.
Self Compassion: We want to develop their self-esteem, by encouraging them to see themselves positively and through the lens of God.
Regular Youth Activities
Youth Sunday group - Rooted
This group meet during the normal Sunday service. We spend time reading the bible and seeking to see how this impacts our lives. We pray for one another and of course enjoy a couple of small games.
Upcoming Events
| Sunday 13th April 2025 6:30pm |
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