A Homegroup, is a small group of people, is a place for fellowship where you can get to know a small number of others really well. In the security and confidence of those people you know, you may feel able to share something of your own situation with others who will be supportive.
A Homegroup is one of the best places to understand the Bible, and discover how to put it into practice in a life of following Jesus. In Homegroups you can ask questions, listen to the understanding and experience of others, and work together to see what the Bible means and how to live it out.
A Homegroup is a good place to experience prayer with other Christians. If you find it hard to pray with others, a Homegroup is a good place to start, and if you enjoy praying with others, you'll have plenty of opportunity in your Homegroup.
A Homegroup is a place where you can show care and concern for people in need. No-one can help everyone in need, but in one homegroup we can show love and care for those in our group.
A Homegroup is an inclusive group, with a place for everyone. Some people prefer mainly to listen and do not want to talk very much - they are welcome at Homegroups. Others have burning questions to ask and things they want to share, and the Homegroup may be the best place to bring these things.
A Homegroup will sometimes decide that there are things they can do together. These include social activities, outings, parties, leading worship, evangelistic initiatives and serving in some way in the life of the church.
A Homegroup is not the whole church, but a part of the church, and in Homegroups we can share in the issues that affect the life and witness of the church and understand what makes the church 'tick'. In Homegroups we can share both the social and the humorous, as well as the serious and spiritual sides of life.
There are about 16 homegroups, mostly evenings, but some day-times, and some catering for families with children. If you would like to join a group please contact the church office who will do their best to match you to a suitable group.