Children and Families
I’ve just returned from a ‘Children & Ministry’ conference in Eastbourne. This was a full weekend of seminars, resources, and a great place to link up with other children’s workers. I am always astonished how far others travel (Ireland, Wales, Yorkshire) and feel very privileged to live such a short drive away.
Adventures Tots has reached half term as I speak, and we particularly enjoyed sharing some pancakes among other refreshments. Our team works hard each Wednesday, transforming the sanctuary, but we always ensure that we have time to hear from each other and pray. Since Christmas we have shared stories with the children about Jesus growing up and gathering his special friends. This will lead us into the Easter story as March approaches. For those of you who pray for our ‘Adventure Tots’ we are counting down to the ‘National Month of Prayer’ for toddler groups, June 2024, which will be around the theme of the parable of the mustard seed.
I’ve been able to visit our Preschool quite regularly, providing a ‘story and song time’. More recently, I hosted a breakfast for their parents and carers. These have been great opportunities to deepen links with both the team, new parents, and children. I hope to continue this and create more events that bring us together. Please pray, as I sit on the Preschool committee, that this very positive opportunity will continue.
Two events coming up, do please consider joining in:
Drop in Morning
a chance to help us make some bunches of flowers for Sunday 10th or come along to help me with some refreshments and craft (9–11am)
All-age ‘pop up choir’ for Easter.
Three dates to come along and sing for 30mins; please see notice on SBC board.
Have you ever thought about getting to know some of our Sunday club children and team? We’d love to hear from anyone who wouldn’t mind sharing a very short testimony or being asked a few questions. This would relate well to those reading the new ‘Story Bearers’ book. Thanks so much for your prayers and encouragement, Hilary