Children and Families
I have settled into a new room, alongside Katie and Kathryn and I am doing my best to try and keep the vast collection of children’s resources under control! You will also probably find me spreading out materials for various activities in another spare room so my colleagues can focus on their tasks.
Sunday Club
Story Tellers Sunday group are now in Room 1 and that will be their permanent base from now on. Little Seeds (0–4s) are enjoying their stories and songs each week, but we would really benefit from two more team members. This involves setting up toys and telling a very short story, already prepared. If you have spoken to me and I haven’t responded, please nudge me again and I would be grateful, and it maybe I was rushing around on a busy Sunday morning!!
The Sunday Club family lunch will be on 9 June; please sign up or let me know if you can support the team with food prep or getting to know our younger families. There will be a meal and activities/games for all.
Under 5s
My focus is based around the ‘Mustard seed’ parable throughout June. There are several events and activities connecting all our visiting families throughout the week and on a Sunday. Some of these are on a separate page and on the church foyer noticeboard. You may like to read about one or two here:
1: The London Prayer Marathon for toddler groups
This is an annual event, and one Borough is prayed for each day, Croydon being 7 June. Please pray for these groups as they are so appreciated by those who attend. Some families feel very isolated, and this can be the only place they have a conversation that day. Pray for volunteers who give a lot of physical energy in setting up and preparing of these weekly activities. Pray for safety and continued vision of how to bring God’s love and care in different ways.
2: Refresh Thursday 9.30–10.30am (6 and 20 June)
I’m aiming to provide two Thursday mornings where families can come for an hour. We will be focusing on the adults to provide nourishment with refreshments, but also alongside a short reflection time. If you could help me with this, I’d love to hear from you. It’s also a chance to try out your Story Bearer’s experience.
God bless, Hilary
Hilary West, 07/06/2024