The SBC Safeguarding Team arranged a well-attended Level 2 Safeguarding training morning on 8 June. Many thanks to all those who gave up or re-arranged their Saturday morning to attend. The trainer from the London Baptist Association did an excellent job in explaining many aspects of safeguarding and how it affects all of us who work with different ages in the church. Small group discussions of different scenarios helped us to apply the theory in practical ways.
The training was mainly generic as it is the same training delivered to all Baptist Union (BU) churches. However, like all BU churches, we have our own customised policy and associated procedures. You can find the SBC Safeguarding Policy & Procedures by following a link at the foot of every page on the SBC website, or ask the church office for a printed copy. The policy is in the in a few places following the annual Safeguarding review, but the present policy will give you good guidance.
If you lead a group or team at SBC, or if you work with children or young people, or with adults who could potentially be at risk of abuse, it is important that you do the Level 2 Safeguarding training every four years. If you are invited to attend a course, please do your utmost to be there! It is important!!
Theresa Nichols
SBC Safeguarding Team Designated Person for Safeguarding: vacant
Deputy Designated Person for Safeguarding: Dawn Cox
Minister: Trevor Neill
Safeguarding Trustee/Deacon: Hilary Howard
Safeguarding Training Lead: Theresa Nichols