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From the associate minister... 

Dear friends Have you ever tasted something new, that you were sure you wouldn’t like and then been pleasantly surprised? I felt that way about chocolate covered liquorice. I like chocolate and I like liquorice, but I wasn’t sure I would like them together. However, having been persuaded to give it a try, I found I love it, so much so I’m contemplating a trip to Denmark to go to the factory where they make it.

In Psalm 34:8 David sang, ‘Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.’ 

Sometimes we won’t try something new because we haven’t seen it before, or we have had a bad previous experience of something similar. Fear, complacency, and being stuck in a rut can also prevent us from stepping out into something new. David encourages us to ‘taste and see that the LORD is good’. When we step out and trust him, we are never disappointed. God is always good. We can’t lose when we trust God; he won’t let you down. I encourage you to spend some time just stilling yourself in his presence to ask him about the areas of your life where he might be calling you to do things differently and to trust him. When we seek him, we will find him. Where is God calling you to taste and see that he is good? 

Kathryn Kane
Kathryn Kane, 04/02/2025
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