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4 o'Clock services 

Once a month on a Sunday morning you will hear Trevor announce 4 o’clock Service.

A few years ago, I arrived at the 4 o’clock Service, sat down, and the person in front of me turned around and said jokingly, ‘Oh! You’re old enough now to come to this service.’

I enjoyed the service, seeing quite a few faces that I knew. Don Axcell takes the service with the help of three musicians and normally four or five singers. On occasions he invites his daughter, Alison, to come along and play the flute. If you haven’t heard Alison play, you have missed out. Sometime through the year Tasmin will be asked to sing a solo.

One Sunday afternoon through the year Don holds a Songs of Praise. Have you ever wanted to choose a hymn or song? Maybe, you have a favourite and would like to tell people the reason it’s dear to your heart.

The thing is, this is not just a ‘Seniors’ service, it’s another SBC service held once a month and finishes with afternoon tea, sandwich and cake, if you have time to stay. It’s not too late for a New Year resolution. There are another ten services throughout the year, why not come to one and support Don and his team. Those who come every month would love to see you. 

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