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Hello Church! 

Here are a few updates with all things youth at SBC!

We have started our new series in LIFE youth group, which meets every other week on a Thursday night at SBC. We’ve had a group of 3–4 young people coming each week, and we’ve been having some really encouraging yet challenging conversations about different injustices we see in the world, and how we as Christians can respond to these issues. This course will be continuing up until around Easter. The young people have been really open and honest with one another about these issues, discussing how it makes us feel, and the impact it has on society today.

Rooted continues to go well on a Sunday morning. We are into our new series on ‘The Tough Stuff’ where we talk about some of the bigger/more challenging topics. We’ve also had lots of different voices speaking in these sessions, where we’ve had special guest speakers coming in to run the sessions, as we want the young people to hear from a variety of people, who can offer different approaches/ teaching styles. 

As you may have seen on a Sunday, once a month, we have Youth Serve Sunday. This is where we are encouraging the young people to get involved with the church service, whether that be before, during or after, running tea and coffee.

As I’m writing this article, February half term has begun, and we are running a couple of youth trips/events this week! A group of us are off to the British Museum in London on Wednesday, and we are also doing a pancake event on Friday at the Church, so lots to look forward to!

I recently had the opportunity to go into Forestdale Primary School, where I spoke to the year 5 children as part of their careers’ day. I was able to speak to them all about my job as a youth worker, what it involves and just giving the children an insight to working for a church. Lots of them were familiar with SBC, and it was so lovely to spend some time speaking with them, answering their questions, and getting to know children and other schools in the local community.

Assemblies in Tenison’s continue to go really well too, and we’ve got some other opportunities coming up at Tenison’s too, so God is really opening up doors for us to serve in these ways. 

After half term, we will also be running a hot chocolate stand on the high street as part of our ‘Understanding Selsdon’ survey/research we are doing as a church. As always, thank you all so much for your continued prayers and support – it does not go unnoticed!

God bless you all. Katie Canning

Katie Canning, 06/03/2025
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