Children & Families
Hello everyone
Most of our activities going forward will be based around our ‘Listening to Selsdon’ project. I’m really looking forward to hearing what the children want to share with us, as well as those adults looking after them.
Adventure Tots Team
We have made it through to half term and are glad of a break to recharge our batteries and reflect on the weeks leading up to Easter. Our team works incredibly hard each week because we know how important those early years are for children, as well as allowing space for our adults (parents/grandparents/childminders) to share in conversation. Listening will form a major part of our sessions now and of course we’ll be preparing to tell the Easter story. A number of new families arrived this morning and it was amusing to hear that one of our parents’ mums was unexpectedly in the vestibule with the ‘Stepping Stones’ coffee morning. They had a surprise meet up, but great to see all ages gathering in the church together.
Sunday Refresh 4–5.30pm
These are running in the upstairs hall. Alongside the craft and games, we are including a short Bible reflection for all ages. If you enjoy chatting and could help welcome, support crafts or tea, then do let me know. Maybe you have a craft or activity you could share or bring along, we’d love to hear from you.
We are in contact with three local schools now (The Quest, Greenvale and Selsdon Primary). I will be visiting each one after half term and look forward to developing this relationship with both children and staff. We are also hoping to plan an ‘Interactive Easter Experience’ so that schools can visit us and hear the Easter story. This will involve taking groups of children round to different spaces within the church. If you would like to be involved on 20/21 March during the day, please let me know.
Sunday Club
Our Church holiday weekend is coming up on 28–30 March and we have plans for a special children’s programme on the Saturday. However, we do need to know if you and your children are coming, so we have time to plan appropriately. Please speak to me asap
Have you time to help monthly to lead or support? I would love to hear from you if you have a heart for our children.
Little Seeds (0–4 years) The rota is set, and we have parents who value conversation, a hot drink and young children who like to play, have a short story and simple craft.
Story Tellers (4–6 years) Rosemary and Linda lead and alternate each week. Rosemary particularly values adult support.
Sunday Club (7–11 years) Could you support or offer to teach one week? Pauline would love to hear from you.
God Bless Hilary West
Hilary West, 07/03/2025