Being alive for God
At the beginning of 2021, we’ll begin a new series which we hope will be a means of building on what we’ve learnt in recent months. As I’ve reflected on Romans, there are three particular phrases which have stood out for me, A church pursuing ‘true and proper worship’, 12:1, We’ll take time to consider how a more intimate encounter with God can be the means by which we are changed into more mature and loving disciples of Jesus. A church ‘accepting others as Christ accepts us’, 15:7, so we’ll think together about how SBC can be a church which shows our community how Jesus has come to break down barriers between people. A church ‘blessing others and not cursing them’, 12:14. We’ll reflect on what it means to be people who are good news for Selsdon, considering what love of neighbour and outreach to our community look like in a post-Covid world.