Kingdom Choices
Trevor introduces our new sermon series for the Autumn.
If you’ve been travelling over the summer, you’ve probably been reminded that when we’re going to a new place it’s always best to do some research before we leave home. Taking the time to learn the customs and traditions of the place we’re visiting can be the difference between getting along with the locals or causing offence to them or embarrassment to ourselves. It’s good to know the importance of using your right hand in India, never turning down food in the Middle East and making sure not to bare the soles of your feet in Thailand. As the saying goes, ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do.’
This autumn in SBC, the focus of our sermons will be practices for people who inhabit a different space, with different values, on an ongoing basis. ‘Kingdom choices’ will help us consider what it means to be people whose lives are governed by a wholly different set of operating principles. Mark’s account of the public ministry of Jesus tells us about the way he announced his arrival:
“The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” Mark 1:15
In speaking of the kingdom of God, Jesus used a term which evoked countless promises and prophecies within the Old Testament, the long-anticipated moment when God began to rule on earth in a new way, establishing a new realm where justice and peace have the last word and where room is made for all, including those previously marginalised or considered unclean or unworthy by others. One of SBC’s values is its commitment to becoming ‘A kingdom church: demonstrating God’s kingdom here on earth through being a diverse people, welcoming all and challenging injustice.’
During the autumn, we’ll be reflecting on the choices each of us needs to make, on an ongoing basis, to live in ways which reflect our loyalty to King Jesus and the call he has made on us that should impact on every aspect of our lives. I hope and pray that these sermons will be a means by which our church comes to more fully live out the ethos of the kingdom and demonstrate it to those who walk through our doors.
Sunday |
Texts |
Sermon title |
Preacher |
3rd Sept |
Genesis 33:1–11; Luke 15:11–32 |
Choosing to go home |
Trevor |
10 Sept |
Jeremiah 29:4–14; Matthew 13:44–46 |
Choosing to go all in |
Kathryn Kane |
17 Sept |
1 Peter 2:4–10 |
Covenant Sunday: Chosen and choosing |
Trevor |
24 Sept |
Trevor |
1 Oct |
Daniel 1; Matthew 22:15–22 |
Choosing to be loyal to the true King |
Trevor |
8 Oct |
Harvest |
Trevor |
15 Oct |
Psalm 51; Acts 2:29-41 |
Choosing to take the plunge |
Trevor |
22 Oct |
Genesis 4:1–16; 1 Peter 5:1–11 |
Choosing to shun resentment |
Trevor |
29 Oct |
Jonah 4:1–11 and Luke 9:51–56 |
Choosing to accept God's grace for others |
Trevor |
5 Nov |
Isaiah 56:1–8 and Acts 8:26–40 |
Choosing to welcome others |
Trevor |
12 Nov |
Remembrance Sunday |
Trevor |
19 Nov |
Psalm 103; Matthew 18:15–35 |
Choosing to forgive and be forgiven |
Don Axcell |
26 Nov |
Isaiah 58:1–12; Luke 4:14–21 |
Choosing to bind up wounds |
Emma Neill |